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Contracting Made Simple

Malanai is a global professional solutions provider supporting mission-critical requirements for the Department of Defense and other Federal Agencies.

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Prime Contract

Business Opportunity Specialist
George Tapia
tel: (202) 431-9524
Contract # 47QTCB21D0243

Contracting Ease and Benefits

Clients of Malanai benefit from the Small Business Association’s (SBA) 8(a) sole source vehicle providing agencies with a streamlined option to meet their demands. Malanai, being a Native Hawaiian Organization (NHO), offers significant advantages that include no requirement for a competitive procurement and the ability to receive up to $100 million sole source contracts (13CFR124.506(b)) within the Department of Defense. This can substantially reduce the award time frame, often just two weeks from first contact, with the added advantage that the sole source NHO 8(a) contracts cannot be protested (13CFR124.517(a)). 

The expedition of a contract, using the 8(a) advantage, starts with the Contracting Officer directly contacting Malanai. From there you are only days away from mission kickoff. The NHO direct award process empowers the customer with the ability to team directly with Malanai to create a solution for an identified need, and then to have tasks on contract in as little as two weeks. 

NHO8(a) classification offers clear advantages to the Government

  • Contracting with NHO 8(a)s help to satisfy DoD’s small business and 8(a) contracting goals
  • NHO 8(a)s can receive sole source awards (up to $100M) with no competition and no prior advertisement
  • No competitive thresholds for NHO 8(a) set asides
  • Sole-source procurements to an NHO 8(a) may not be protested
  • Conversion of any activity or function of the Department of Defense under the authority to an NHO 8(a) is credited toward any competitiveness or outsourcing goal, target, or measurement

Proud to Serve Our DoD and Federal Clients